
We've taken the best resources on community led housing from across the sector to gather them all in one place for the first time.

CLT Healthcheck

This healthcheck contains a list of questions which your CLT might wish to consider to operate as a healthy organisation.

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RP registration vs. RP partnering

A comparison of the Roles and Responsibilities of a CLT when developing publicly subsidised rented housing as either a Registered Provider or in partnership with a Registered Provider.

CLTs and co-working spaces

A webinar from the National CLT Network with Laura Moss of Wrigleys Solicitors

You must be a member of this partner organisation access this resource. Please log in or register to update your partner memberships. 

Community Business webinar for CLTs

Creating resilient futures through community businesses and ownership with Plunkett Foundation

You must be a member of this partner organisation access this resource. Please log in or register to update your partner memberships.