
How to do it

There isn't a correct way to do community led housing. There are no set rules.

The reasons for setting up a community led housing project vary from group to group.

It could be that a local people want to bring more affordable housing to the area, or a parish council calls for a steering group to form following a housing needs survey, or a bunch of friends want to live together in a more sustainable way or in a way that protects their long-term independence.

While the motivations for a group forming may differ, each project can generally be broken down into five separate stages. These stages will be covered in more detail in this section.

The 'total process'

The 'total process' sets out the five typical stages of a community led housing journey: group, site, plan, build and live.

RUSS CLT in discussion

Group stage

Where a steering group is formed, members are recruited if necessary, a clear purpose and goals are decided on, a legal form is chosen and a business plan is developed.

Read more about this stage
Why community led housing?

Site stage

Whether you're looking for a site or you already have one in mind, at this point you’ll be investigating any potential problems, costs and raising the money to pay for it.

Read more about this stage
Key stats

Plan stage

This is when you'll produce your planning application. The application will need to include detailed plans for the homes and any additional facilities like common houses and shared gardens. Considered plans and significant support from the wider community will stand you in good stead for when you reach the planning committee.

Read more about this stage
Building and renovating!

Build stage

You don’t have to physically build the homes yourselves, although of course, you can! Just as with traditional housing, groups can hire a contractor to complete the work. Some groups also choose to partner with a housing association that will then manage this stage of the process.

Read more about this stage
Living in community led homes

Live stage

The bit everyone has been waiting for! For some groups they will be living in the homes themselves, for others they will now be landlords or working with a managing agent.

Read more about this stage