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Member briefing - Changes to English National Planning Policy Framework, Dec 2023

Publication date: 06 February 2024

Organisation: Community Land Trust Network

In December 2023 the Government published a revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for England. In a landmark moment it included policies on community-led development for the first time. 

This followed a consultation launched in December 2022 which asked how the planning system could support community-led development. These questions were the result of the CLT Network's lobbying for clearer planning policy for CLTs and other community led housing approaches.

These updates represent new opportunities for a policy environment that is more supportive of Community Led Development. There are also new opportunities for CLTs and other Community Led Developments to lobby to introduce policy into your council’s Local Plan (or plans, if you span more than one area). We have flagged some of these opportunities in the briefing.

Read our briefing to understand more about these policy changes, what action you can take and what's next for our lobbying. 

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