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Community Land Trust Network

This resource was created by the Community Land Trust Network. Your CLT Network membership gives you access to this resource.

CLT Handbook - Affordable Housing

Publication date: 19 November 2021

Organisation: Community Land Trust Network

Buying a site or building, obtaining planning permission, securing the finance, building homes and then managing them are all highly complex tasks requiring a lot of specialist skills and knowledge. This handbook will give you a helping hand to get started on these key steps.

Other essential CLT resources

Essential resources for CLTs recommended by the Community Land Trust Network


CLT Handbook - Essentials

This handbook provides a helping hand and pointers for the essential elements of CLTs.


CLT Handbook - Local Advocacy

This handbook is designed to enable you to up-skill your board or steering committee so you can win over your council and other political leaders.


CLT Healthcheck

This healthcheck contains a list of questions which your CLT might wish to consider to operate as a healthy organisation.