Phil McGeevor
An accredited Community Led Homes adviser
Counties: Primarily Greater London, Essex, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey & West Sussex but is willing to travel further.
Biography: I have been a member of Cannock Mill Cohousing Colchester (CMCC) since 2007 and Chair since 2018. I have also served as Vice-Chair of the Uk Cohousing Network. CMCC ( is a group of men and women aged 50+, mostly with professional backgrounds, who formed a company to find a site and build 23 Passivhaus (very low energy) homes in Colchester. I would be interested in supporting other similar groups to achieve their objectives.
My work background (I am now retired) was as an academic and university manager.
Phone: 07946342842
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