East Riding of Yorkshire


The East Riding of Yorkshire covers a large, mainly rural and coastal part of the County. It received just over £2 million from the Community Housing Fund in 2016/17. At that time there was no community-led housing activity anywhere in the Council’s area.

To promote community-led housing through the Fund, the Council:

  • Tasked a Principal Housing Officer to oversee delivery
  • Drafted a detailed Community Housing Fund grant policy and set of procedures
  • Worked closely with the Council’s Rural Housing Enabler
  • Brought together a group of Senior Officers across all relevant Departments of the Council, to oversee delivery
  • Drew up a Community Housing Fund grants policy and set of procedures
  • Began working with the local Rural Community Council to provide community development support to potential community-led housing organisations and stimulate demand
  • Agreed to pool 3% of its Community Housing Fund budget (£60,000) with six other local authorities, to support a sub-regional Support Hub, able to provide technical support for new initiatives

The full East Riding grant policy can be found here.


Published in March 2018