Catherine Kirkham

An accredited Community Led Homes adviser

Counties: Berkshire, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Cornwall, Dorset, Devon, East Sussex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Surrey, West Sussex & Wiltshire.

Biography: I began this working as a Community Led Housing Officer in October 2017 having previously worked as a Rural Housing Enabler. Housing has a huge impact on a person’s physical and mental wellbeing so I get a lot of fulfilment from this role as I know that the work I do helps people. Community led housing is a creative solution that is becoming increasingly popular in the UK as recognition grows of the value local people bring to housing development; after all, local people know their area better than anyone. I really enjoy working with groups who are often made up of local volunteers keen to give something back to their community.

Phone: 01962857387


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